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Vauxhall Vectra Hatch 2002-2009 Bodyglass
Bodyglass Replacement


Service: Bodyglass Replacement

    • Call 020 3875 5255 Today

      VehicleGlaze® offers an advanced automotive glass replacement service. Our qualified glass technicians are highly experienced in dealing with the latest automotive glazing technology, so we can guarantee that your windscreen replacement is of the highest standard.

      We only use glass manufactured to OEM standards, whether sourced from original equipment manufacturers or other suppliers to ensure that the glass we fit is as good as the original fitment. Our replacements are protected by our guarantee for as long as you own your vehicle.


    • Technical Information

      Production Year Vehicles Manufactured
      2010 ( 10 - 60 ) N/A
      2011 ( 11 - 61 ) N/A
      2012 ( 12 - 62 ) N/A
      2013 ( 13 - 63 ) N/A
      2014 ( 14 - 64 ) N/A
      2015 ( 15 - 65 ) N/A
      2016 ( 16 - 66 ) N/A
      2017 ( 17 - 67 ) N/A
    • Use chart if windscreen has abbreviation

      ANT Antenna
      DIM Self Dimming Mirror
      ENC Encapsulated
      HTD Heated (Full screen)
      HTW Wiper Heated
      HUD Head Up Display
      LSB Light Sensor Bracket
      MOD Modification
      MIR Mirror Boss
      MSB Moisture Sensor silkscreen with bracket
      MUL Moisture and Light sensor
      NAV GPS Navigation System
      LDW Lane Departure Warning
      ACU Acoustic PVB Interlayer
      CAM Multi function camera
      COA Coated
      DVP De-misting sensor
      MRP Mirror Position
      DVP De-misting sensor
      NAV GPS Navigation System
      MCN Modified Connectors
    • Windscreen warranty information

      VehicleGlaze® guarantees all automotive glass installed by our technicians, (both the parts we fit and our repair and installation workmanship) for as long as you own your vehicle.

      For windscreen replacement, we only use glass manufactured to OEM standards, whether sourced from original equipment manufacturers or other suppliers, ensuring that the glass we fit is as good as the original piece of glass we are replacing. We believe that the best replacement glass comes from the companies who supply the original glass to the world’s leading car manufacturers.

      All our technicians Carry ATA accreditation and are NVQ Level 2 Qualified.

      View Terms Of Business

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